

Leveraging the cutting-edge deep learning technology, DeepTranslate is a patent AI translation platform that leads the industry in Chinese-English financial translation.

Deep Learning-driven

With the latest deep learning technology, our translation engine continuously learns to analyse translation data and improve accuracy from time to time.

Industry-leading Performance

Our patent AI translation engine outperforms other translation engines in terms of BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy), a metric for evaluating machine translation.

Financial Domain-specific

Our engine specialises in financial translation, which covers disclosure of listed companies (e.g. annual reports, IPOs, announcements etc.) and investment research reports.

Customised Translation Experience

A range of customised translation settings are available, e.g., date format, number format and language style. You may also build your own translation memories (TM) and glossaries to improve consistency of translation.

Quicker Turnaround

With first draft handled by our AI translation engine, translator’s duty shifts from entirely manual translation to mainly post-editing, which can reduce turnaround time by over 50%.

Ultimately User-friendly

Easily drag and drop an entire document in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, PDF or TXT format to translate. The translated file will preserve all the original layouts and formats.